On June 14, 2023, the Minister for Finance and Planning, Hon. Mwigulu Lameck Nchemba (the Minister), delivered the 2023/2024 National Budget Speech themed Accelerating Economic Recovery and Enhancing Productive Sectors for Improved Livelihoods (the National Budget).
The Tanzania Foreign Exchange Regulations, Government Notice No. 294 published on 13/5/2022 (the “Tanzania Foreign Exchange Regulations”) are creating quite some noise in Tanzania amongst traders and investors.
Under the provisions of the data protection regulations, entities that act as data collectors or processors are required to register with the Commission for Personal Data Protection.
Assisting clients in managing their financial records, maintaining accurate accounts, and ensuring compliance with accounting standards.
Conducting both statutory and internal audits to verify the accuracy and reliability of financial information, thereby promoting transparency and accountability.
Providing legal expertise in various areas such as labor law, immigration, corporate administration, litigation, and support during business liquidation.
Ark's Cybersecurity Services are designed to help businesses safeguard their digital assets, maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information, and ensure the uninterrupted operation of their digital infrastructure.
Ensuring compliance with tax regulations and providing advisory services, including support for transfer pricing compliance.
Offering guidance and support to clients involved in mergers, acquisitions, and investment activities.